• Client: NWM Group
  • Geotechnical Consultant: IDOM

  • Value: £4.8 million

  • Works: Earthworks, Remediation

  • Duration: 3 years

  • Location: Northfleet, Kent

  • Completed: Mar 2023

Harbour Village is a regeneration scheme for 12 hectares of former industrial land to create a mixed-use riverfront neighbourhood within Ebbsfleet Garden City on the Thames Gateway.

Following a competitive tendering process, KKB Group were appointed in May 2020 to deliver the enabling works which consisted of cut/fill to formation levels, remediation and the preparation of working platforms across the site to facilitate the development.

The brownfield location was the site of one of the UK’s oldest concrete plants in the 19th Century as well as numerous industrial activities since. Considerable obstructions in the ground therefore needed to be removed. Following site clearance, we excavated up to depth of 8 metres in some places to locate and remove hardstandings. Over 200,000 tonnes of inert material was broken-out and crushed on site to 6F2/6F5 specification for use as infill, generating a piling rig and a quantity stockpiled for use in the build phase.

The project involved a complex cut/fill earthworks package to re-model the site’s topography according to the specification prepared by the project’s geo-technical consultants IDOM. This involved screening over 100,000 cubic metres of soils which were tested for compliance with spec.

Over 70,000 cubic metres of excavated material was used to create a raised 50m x 80m sports pitch.

We removed two large redundant oil tanks and excavated hotspots where hydrocarbons had leached into the surrounding ground under our mobile treatment licence. Surface water generated by the cut/fill works was pumped and removed from site continuously throughout the earthworks phase.

No working platforms were created just earthworks to the required level ready for the construction phase.